Organization Improvement: Cooperative Communication
by :Robert Bacal
The workplace is a complicated place. Imagine a spider web of people, managers, supervisors and staff members who need to work together, interacting in various ways to fulfil the organization's mandate. Disagreements and conflict are bound to occur; between staff members, between staff and management, and between clients and members of your organization.
As a result of working with thousands of government employees to help them acquire and use defusing hostility skills, we have concluded that a good amount of bad feelings, organizational problems, destructive conflict and inefficiency result from a lack of skill in the WAY that people communicate with each other. This isn't that surprising if we consider that our society tends to glorify the confrontational, John Wayne type heroes. And, that as children learn language, they tend to learn confrontational, negative language before they learn how to get along with others.
Cooperative communication, or the skills needed to get along in the workplace, or, for that matter, anywhere else, are in relatively short supply, because we simply don't teach them to children or adults. So we get unnecessary conflict and friction. We get arguments that are more oriented towards winning than solving problems, and we get the so-called personality conflict, a convenient phrase that allows everyone to avoid responsibility for interpersonal problems. We get teams that don't work well because they lack the skills. We get meetings where the majority of time is wasted because people don't interact effectively. We get clashes with clients and cus tomers that occur as a result of both parties moving into confrontational ways of interacting.
We've moved forward in defining the elements of cooperative communication so that they can be taught to people. But what is cooperative communication?
What Is Cooperative Communication
Some ways of communicating increase friction and anger. Other ways of communication tend to cause people to work WITH us, and not against us. While it is clear that blatant accusations, name-calling and personal attacks are confrontational (the opposite of cooperative), there are many more subtle ways to ruin a communication. To illustrate some of the techniques of cooperative communication, let's take a look at the following sentences:
"You never finish the work on time."
"It seems like you are having some difficulty with the timelines. What can I do to help?"
Which of these phrases do you think is more likely to elicit a productive dialogue? Clearly the first at least "sounds" antagonistic", while the second doesn't. Another example: "If you had bothered to read the report, you would know...."
It might be that the report wasn't clear on those points. Would you like me to explain?
What are the cooperative rules here? In our first set of examples, the initial statement uses an absolute word "never", and as a result tends to cause the other person to argue. In addition the phrase sounds blaming. The replacement phrase lacks those confrontational characteristics, uses a qualifier "seems", and offers to work together. In the second phrase set, the key word is "bothered", which suggests that the person is lazy, or uncaring, and that is what will be heard. It also is a blaming statement. In the replacement phrase, we introduce another qualifier "might", followed by an offer to solve the problem.
In both phrase sets, the first phrases are likely to create argument and personalized conflict while the replacement phrases are more likely to result in real problem solving.
There are a number of other aspects of cooperative communication, far too many to outline in a single article. However, cooperative communication involves the use of techniques that are designed to prevent destructive conflict, enhance workplace morale, and save considerable time and energy.
How Do People Learn Cooperative Communication?
Our estimates are that between 5-10% of people consistently communicate in cooperative ways, although that estimate is certainly not scientific. A minority of people acquire these skills through experience, but unfortunately, experience is a slow, unreliable teacher. As a result we have decided to offer our Building Bridges series of seminars. At present there are two separate components to the process. The first seminar "Communicating Cooperatively In The Workplace", provides the basic components of cooperative communication, and highlights the advantages of using those components. The second seminar is entitled "Thorny Workplace Communication Problems" is a case-study based approach that allows participants to work through real communication situations, to determine how they can apply cooperative communication to them.
The first seminar can be done stand-alone, while the second requires the first as a pre-requisite. Since we believe that seminars should be custom-designed, we will not be including an outline of content, since content will vary considerably from workplace to workplace. If your workplace problems centre around meetings, then the content would differ from a workplace that had general team-based issues. Or, if your major concern is written communication, the content would be different than if you are primarily concerned with verbal communication. What we can tell you now is that these seminars will be much different than the standard communication courses on the market, and avoid many of the tired, ineffective old saws that are often included in basic communication seminars.
If you would like more information about cooperative communication elements you can order our help card on the subject (Communicating Cooperatively In The Workplace) by using the order form included in this newsletter. Whether you are a manager or staff member, you will find that learning and using cooperative communication techniques can reduce the amount of destructive conflict around you, save valuable time, increase team effectiveness, and reduce supervisory/ management time dealing with conflict that is a result of confrontational communication approaches.
نوشته مدیریت ترجمه شده حرف عنوان استدلال مدیران باب فرمت ورد و حاوی ترجمه متن زیر می باشد:
Secret of Success: As Christensen's Paradox testifies, finding the secret of success takes more than textbook management
Nov 2003
Robert Heller
man searched for the philosopher's stone that could turn base metal
into gold. Managers and entrepreneurs often follow a similar, usually
vain hope. But it needn't be vain, judged by the results of companies in
one industry. They achieved $62 billion in sales in 1976-1994, twenty
times the figure for rivals which hadn't found the stone.
that isn't convincing enough, sales per firm in the lagging group only
averaged a cumulative $64.5 million: the successes averaged $1.9 billion
- a difference of 29 times. The statistics come from a truly remarkable
management book by Clayton M. Christensen. Its explicit title, The
Innovator's Dilemma: When New Technologies Cause Great Firms to Fail,
does less than justice to its message, which applies to all managements
and all companies all the time - and not only to innovators.
philosopher's stone in the statistics cited above, however, is
innovation in 'disruptive technologies'. The successes 'sought growth by
entering small emerging markets'. The back-markers, in contrast,
pursued growth in large markets. Both groups took risks. The winners
took the chance that an emerging market for the disruptive technology
might not appear at all. The losers accepted the competitive risk of
battling against established companies in established markets - and the
first lesson is that this is fundamentally poor strategy.
book's wholly convincing thesis, however, is that large companies are
locked into this mode. They are forced by customer demands and
competitive pressures to invest heavily to sustain their existing
strengths and, if possible, to enhance that prowess. This gives rise to
Christensen's Paradox. The conventional explanation when great firms
stumble is that they suffer from 'incompetence, bureaucracy, arrogance,
tired executive blood, poor planning, and short-term investment
horizons.' The Paradox, however, states that large companies fail,
absolutely or relatively, in face of disruptive technologies, not
because they are poorly managed, but because their management is
how did the failures lose leadership to the new disruptive
technologies? It was because they did exactly what any business school
professor would be happy to recommend:
1. Listen to your customers.
2. Invest aggressively in new technologies that will meet those customers' rising demands for performance.
3. Carefully study and meet market trends.
4. Allocate resources to investments promising the best returns.
author, an assistant professor at Harvard Business School, gives
example after example from disk drives, computers, retailing,
steel-making, earth-moving equipment, etc. to show how this good
management can't cope with a disruptive technology; one which introduces
a different category of customers. Typically, these are attracted by
lower prices and by different functionality that together help to
generate new types of product. Equally typically, the disruptive
innovators break all the four rules of good management cited above:
1. They don't listen to customers, because they don't have any.
2. They develop lower-performance products instead of higher.
3. They don't rely on market research, because it's useless in these circumstances.
4. They head off into tiny markets, with sales ranging from zero to insignificant.
they win and win big, like the successes quoted at the start. The
industry concerned is disk drives. The strategy of the 14-inch drive
industry sums up Christensen's thesis. The manufacturers went to very
great lengths, technically and financially, to satisfy the customers,
who all made mainframe computers. The 8-inch drives introduced by
newcomers like Shugart, Priam and Quantum were no use to these
disks found their market with mini-computers - then a minute segment.
As the segment grew, however, and as the 8-inch disks caught up with the
performance of lower-end 14-inch models, so the latter's makers began
to lose out. Yet two-thirds of the 14-inchers never introduced an 8-inch
model. Those that did were around two years late, and ultimately every
14-inch drive maker was driven from the industry.
repeat, this wasn't because of any real management incompetence, but
because of its opposite. The 8-inch drives offered smaller margins and a
far smaller market, and the customers didn't want them. The book firmly
establishes the concept of 'value networks', in which customers and
supplier develop a shared interest in a given technology which suits
both their purposes - including their profit objectives. The folly of
ignoring the new emerging market is only clear in hindsight.
the time, dismissal of the down-market potential was true wisdom: that
way, neither profit nor revenues lay in wait. Going up-market, however,
offered both. Here again is the standard business school and industry
lesson. Every manager is urged to head for the top left-hand corner of
the price/performance matrix, where you win the highest price for the
highest quality. That optimises the present - but may undermine, and
even eliminate, the future.
express the position another way, firms and individuals naturally play
to their strengths - what they are good at, which has worked well in the
past and still works well. The time comes, however, when these
strengths are threatened by obsolescence - even though they are still
paying off.
was IBM's recurrent nightmare. The company may have deserved its
sky-high management reputation, at least in part, but it derived its
vast profits and massive market strength from serving large corporate
customers. Although it eventually reacted very effectively to the rise
of both the minicomputer and the PC, its natural bent was towards those
same customers. But the phenomenal growth in PC sales lay outside the
large corporates - and IBM's market share, once 80%, slumped to single
this isn't a failing peculiar to IBM. In disk drives, Seagate, the
5.25-inch leader, came late into 3.5-inch disks - and by 1991 hadn't
sold a single product to what turned out to be their prime users,
manufacturers of portable, laptop and notebook computers. So there is
everybody's problem. The biggest opportunity and the greatest threat may
well lie outside your existing business and value network. You can't,
however, just abandon the latter, because that network provides your
current highly satisfactory profits.
whole organisation, and the management mind-set, are geared, quite
rightly, to what is. How can the same organisation react effectively to
what isn't - and may never be? Christensen's unequivocal answer is that
it can't. The existing organisation will never suceed with a disruptive
technology. The book cites Woolworth in the US, which attempted to
combat the discount stores by opening its own Woolco outlets and
simultaneously expanding the traditional variety stores.
effort failed even more abysmally than IBM's move to absorb its
phenomenally succesful PC operation into the mainstream organisation.
The Woolcos disappeared completely. IBM, as noted, lost massive amounts
of market share. Yet originally the PC operation was a model response to
the innovator's dilemma. It's a solution that I've advocated for many
years, and to which Christensen's meticulous studies give added force.
PC activity was sited well away from any other IBM centre, in Boca
Raton, Florida, under independent management with a distinct mandate. It
met excellently most of the book's key prescriptions:
1. Match the size of the organisation to the size of the market.
2. Learn about the market and its customers as you go along.
3. Get in early, while the market has still to be proved.
4. Accept the inevitability of mistakes.
5. Recognise the weaknesses of disruptive technologies and their strengths.
sounds like an argument for the 'skunk works', an R&D organisation
given a specific task and located in a site which makes interference
unlikely. Many a skunk-works failed, however, usually because either the
sponsoring management didn't have real faith in the project, or the
R&D wasn't linked to manufacture and marketing. The catastrophic
failure of Xerox to exploit any of the brilliant, epoch-making PC
discoveries at its Palo Alto Research Center sprang from separation of
the scientists from manufacturing and marketing.
an apparent contradiction between what happened to PARC and the
argument for siting new activities well away from existing ones. But it
is only apparent: the spun-off activity should be a fully integrated
operation, not (like PARC) a self-contained outfit with no commercial
affiliations. Without a sponsor, even brilliant research and development
will be lost. Even with a sponsor, though, the independent operation
may not produce the right disruptive technology or market it
appropriately to the different categories of customers who become
innovators have to learn how to play from weakness. Since they can't
compete with the established business for the established customers, and
initally have little or no idea of where their products will sell, they
have to create new strength. They have to learn how to find new
customers and open up new markets - from which brilliant success can
spring. That, however, doesn't makes it any easier to encompass
disruptive change when those markets, in turn, become established.
happened to the 14-inch disk drive makers was repeated again and again
every time a generation of new boy entrepreneurs reduced disk sizes. The
rich old boys proved incapable of resisting the competition, even
though it used the identical approach that had made their own wealth
(and killed their competition). The main antidote is to accept that in
every business disruptive technologies or the equivalent lie in wait -
developments which will one day enlarge and upset the market to your
of Britain's classic entrepreneurial success stories, that of J. C.
Bamford, came from disruption. In 1947 Joe Bamford produced the very
first hydraulic excavator - a little machine, designed to go on the back
of tractors, that was entirely unsuitable for the major construction
jobs. These were dominated by cable-actuated systems.
makers studied the hydraulic newcomers, but, to quote Christensen,
'Hydraulics was a technology that their customers didn't need - indeed
couldn't use.' When hydraulic machines could finally match cable, it was
too late for the cable champions to react. JCB and the other hydraulic
manufacturers took most of the market. In the process, Joe and his son
Sir Anthony took sales to great heights: £700 million in 1995. Their
combined fortunes, created by a company that remained resolutely
private, hit £800 million in 1996.
the start, the main strength of challengers like the Bamfords lies in
their highly adaptive approach. In these disruptive businesses, with
their uncertain markets, there is no alternative to the points made
earlier: to learn as you go along, and to make false starts and
mistakes, but react swiftly until you find the better path. For
perfectly sound reasons, big companies discipline this behaviour out of
existence in their mainstream operations. That's why, as IBM showed, by
far the best way for them to avoid the 14-inch fate is to establish and
finance some imitation start-ups themselves - independent outfits that
can attack small emerging markets in the style of small emerging
style involves eight principles that separate the winners from the
also-rans, and the corpocrats from the entrepreneurs. The Opportunity
Octet is highly valuable in any business, but in start-ups it is
decisive. Winners in the start-up stakes....
1. Reward risk-taking and don't punish failure
2. Give new ideas top, top priority
3. Allow those ideas to develop freely
4. Put great performance above good order
5. Compete fiercely with themselves
6. Enlist professional managers in good time
7. Share financial rewards widely and richly
8. Go for market share first and foremost
of the Octet (derived from a Business Week study of Silicon Valley) has
been strongly advised for all managers in Thinking Managers. Out of
sheer necessity, the IT whiz-kids have been forced to abandon
traditional, hierarchical ways and have learnt to live with chaos in the
interests of 'super-speed and can-do culture.' That pair form the pure
milk of entrepreneurism, which produces an unprecedented flow of cream
in the hands of unconventional managements.
to gain its potent market position on the Internet (8) start-up
Netscape famously just gave away its browsers. You simply have to forget
old inhibitions. For instance, competing with yourself (2) means not
being afraid to cannibalise your existing products: if you don't eat
your children, someone else will. Seagate's Al Shugart, the ace
entrepreneur of the disk drive, is only half-joking: 'Sometimes I think
we'll see the day when you introduce a product in the morning and
announce its end of life at the end of the day.'
Opportunity Octet are tactical necessities. But they should rest on
four strategic principles which mark out winning strategies from the
runners-up and flops. Winners concentrate on the winning hand; cover
every bet; work with strong partners; and think really big. A wondrous
example of big thinking is Finland's Nokia, whose cellular phone
technology has taken it to a market value of $9 billion. Once the Finns
had spotted their winning opportunity in the cellular potential, they
poured in resources to achieve a quarter of world phone sales.
meant intense concentration. For the sake of cellular, Nokia abandoned
paper, tyres, metals, other electronics, cables, TV sets and its PC
interests - sold to ICL. That tight focus, however, is only part of the
story. It won't save you from Christensen's Paradox. That's where
covering every bet comes in. The failed market leaders trapped by the
Paradox actually saw that necessity - they not only developed the
disruptive technologies themselves, but often took the development to
the point of a business proposal. But it never made economic sense to
take the technology to market - not within the established organisation.
So don't try.
start-ups are not the only answer. You can also take partners. The
Silicon Valley giants have formed the good habit of investing in small
start-ups that have promising ideas. Cisco Systems has bought or
invested in 34 of them in three years: Intel has set aside $500 million
for similar purposes. If the investment succeeds with a new technology,
the investor is in on the ground floor; if the start-up succeeds
financially, the investor cashes in; and the odds are, of course, that
technological and financial breakthroughs will go hand-in-hand.
the 14-inch drive makers had invested in the 8-inch disrupters, the
leaders wouldn't have lost out - provided, of course, that they had
allowed the challengers to follow their own logic. Hewlett-Packard did
precisely that when setting free a new organisation to make ink-jet
printers that would challenge its own immensely profitable position in
laser printers. The disruptive technology then worked to H-P's overall
advantage and followed the logic of Christensen's Paradox. Anything else
invites eventual disruption by others - followed, if you're 14-inched,
by destruction.
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بخش هایی از متن:
یکی از اهداف اساسی و بسیار بااهمیت سیاستگذاران ایجاد ارتباط منطقی و سازگار صنعت و محیط کار با دانشگاه و دانشجو می با شد که بازهم در شکوفائی ورشد صنایع اثربخش بوده و بازهم دانشجویان را از یادگیری دروس تئوری محظ رهایی داده و علم آنها را کاربردی تر کرده و انگیزه می شود آن را باب عرصه عمل ، آزموده و به مشکلات و نا بسامانیهای علمی و عملی محیط کار آشنا شده و سرمایه فرصت خویش را در جانب رفع آنها مصرف نمایند ، که برای جامعه در اسم توسعه ما از ضروریات می با شد .
حرف این مقدمه شاید اهمیت و جایگاه درس دو واحدی کارآموزی برای ما روشنتر شده و حرف نگاهی دیگر به آن بپردازیم .
دوربین های مداربسته
سیستم های بازرسی تصویری از سالیان سابق به عنوان ابزاری مهم در بحث نظارت و ایجاد امنیت مناسبت استفاده قرار گرفته اند . حرف توجه به پرونده طولانی این سیستم ها، تحولات و پیشرفت های انبوه اضافی در این حوزه صورت پذیرفته است که اطلاع از روند این پیشرفت ها، آخرین دستاوردها و تکنولوژی ها، نکات مهم در یک سیستم بازرسی تصویری و موارد انبوه دیگر می تواند کمک شایانی به مدیران و کارشناسانی که در حال تعیین و پیاده سازی یک جهاز نظارت تصویری می نمایند، باشد. باب همین راستا در امتداد به صورت مختصر به بخشی از مهم ترین موردها اشاره باده گردد .
چرا باید از دوربین مداربسته استعمال کنیم؟
سیستمهای تلسکوپ مداربسته به سمت یکی از دلایل زیر مورد استفاده قرار میگیردند:
۱. حفاظت و ایمنی (حراست)
۲.کنترل و نظارت (مدیریت)
۳. آموزش و تحقیقات
در بخش حراست و ایمنی، دوربینهای مداربسته علاوه بر تصرف تصاویر تمامی اتفاقاتی که در درازا شبانگاه روز در محیط مورد نظر رخ میدهد میتواند در بررسی فیلمها نکاتی را به مسئولان امنیتی گوشزد نماید که هیچگاه به سمت نظر چشم رایج خبرهترین افراد نیز نرسد.
اگر شما کالای گرانبهایی در محیط کار، کارگاه، پارکینگ و یا منزل دارید میبایست حتما به سمت فکر ابداع امنیت بیشتر در این زمینه باشید، امیدواریم شما جزو آندسته از افراد نباشید که پس از بردن مالشان به سمت اندیشه ایجاد امنیت برای اموال خود مینمایند و حرف اندوه انبوه از دیر اقدام کردن به این کار، تقاضای راهاندازی سیستمهای حفاظتی را دارند.
منبع تغذیه:
الکتریکی بایست از بهر حرکت مبدل مدار بهسازی و تقویت کننده را تولید می کند و
با توجه به سنخ مبدل دوایر فرضی موازی باخط استوا بهسازی می توان از منابع تغذیه DCالا ACاستفاده کرد .
مبدل :
چندی فیزیکی مورد اندازه گیری را به کمیت الکتریکی برازنده اندازه گیری تبدیل می کند .
دوایر فرضی موازی باخط استوا بهسازی :
مدارهای الکتریکی تکلیف تبادل ، جبران سازی و تغییر سیگنال خروجی از مبدل
را به کمیتی الکتریکی که استحقاق استفاده مناسب باب سایر بخشهای سیستم را
داشته باشد بر عهده دارد .