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فروش فایل ,دانلود فایل,خرید فایل,دانلود رایگان فایل,دانلود رایگان

فروش فایل ,دانلود فایل,خرید فایل,دانلود رایگان فایل,دانلود رایگان

فروش فایل ,دانلود فایل,خرید فایل,دانلود رایگان فایل,دانلود رایگان

کتاب : سرطان پروستات ، نویسنده : دانالد تیندال

Prostate Cancer by Donald J Tindall // Prostate cancer is the most frequently diagnosed non-cutaneous malignancy in menand the second leading cause of male cancer-related mortality in the USA. The lastdecade has seen unprecedented progress in the detection, prognosis, treatment, andprevention of prostate cancer. These advances have been driven largely by an increasedunderstanding of the underlying biochemistry, molecular biology, and genetics of thedisease. New cell and animal models have been d ...

کتاب : طیف انرژی چشمه های رادیواکتیو نوترونی ، نویسنده پروفسور آ.اچ.اتن جر

ENERGY SPECTRA OF RADIOACTIVE NEUTRON SOURCES by Dr. A.H.W. Aten Jr   The work described in this thesis is part of the research program of the Institute for Nuclear Research (I.K.O.),made possible by financial support from the Foundation forFundamental Research on Matter (F.0.M) and the NetherlandsOrganization for the Advancement of Pure Research (Z.W.O.). ...

کتاب : مباحث پیشرفته در تصویر برداری و فیزیک الکترون ها

Advances in Imaging and Electron Physics   Charged-particle optics enables us to study an extensive family ofdevices. At one extreme we have electron beams of low current densitytraversing static electron lenses, while at the other there are broad beamsin which the current density may be very high and the optic axis curved.D. Greenfield and M. Monastyrskiy have assembled here many of themathematical tools needed to study such situations; there is more empha-sis than in most of the related b ...

کتاب : طراحی و ارتقاع دستگاه های الکترونیکی در حوزه پزشکی

Design And Development Of Medical Electronic Instrumentation by DAVID PRUTCHI and MICHAEL NORRIS // The medical devices industry is booming. Growth in the industry has not stopped despiteglobally fluctuating economies. The main reason for this success is probably the self-sus-taining nature of health care. In essence, the same technology that makes it possible forpeople to live longer engenders the need for more health-care technologies to enhance thequality of an extended lifetime. It comes as ...